Hot Stuff: Summer Crafts for Kids

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"It's hot!" "I'm bored!" "There's nothing to do!" Ah, the familiar refrains of summer... 

The dog days of summer leave many parents and caretakers desperate to find something -- anything! -- to keep the kids busy. Take a break from those monotonous moans and help yourself to this guide to inexpensive summer crafts for kids to indulge their creative juices -- inside or outside! 

It doesn't take long for kids to start complaining how bored they are once school is out for the summer. While letting them use their imaginations to create their own diversions is an important part of parenting, having planned activities can help alleviate frustration for parents.

When you and the kids need to head indoors for a reprieve from the summer heat, having a list of pre-planned activities can reduce the stress on both you and your child. You can find unique things to make interesting creations everywhere, from toys and clothing that has been outgrown to recyclables to items picked up at a garage sale. Crafty queen Martha Stewart best said it when she explained her outlook on getting crafty.